Our Vision
Introducing Jesus Christ to the community we live in.
Building a strong family of believers.
Sharing with purpose our faith with the present and future generations.
Nuturing and preparing children and youth in the development of a faith community.
Developing a discipleship strategy.
Utilising our God given cultural diversity in the propagation of the gospel.
Sharing strategically our facilities for the propagation of the gospel.
Making missions the primary focus of the church.
Encouraging believers towards works of evangelism.

Statement of Faith
We believe in God the Father, in God the Son Jesus Christ and in God the Holy Spirit, One God.
We hold to repentance of sin and salvation by personal faith in Jesus Christ through His atoning death and resurrection.
The true humanity and deity of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The atonement made on the cross by our Lord for the sin of the world.
The person of the Holy Spirit as the one who sanctifies and who sets apart empowers and imparts spiritual gifts to the church.
The inspiration of the Bible and its authority in all matters of faith and practice.
Salvation is by faith in Jesus Christ alone.
Membership of the church is for those who have received salvation.
The immersion of believers as the only scriptural form of baptism.
Mission & Vision
He is the maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them - He remains faithful forever.
Psalm 146:6

Knowing Christ
Knowing that our practical as well as spiritual needs can be met by a loving and compassionate God through the cross.

Growing in Christ
To see all people together under one God, one Spirit and one Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. That we might live kingdom lives.

Going with Christ
The binding thos is one of mission specifically God's mission to a lost and dying world.

Otahuhu Baptist Church has existed for over 134 years on the isthmus, and was planted in 1878 by the Baptist Tabernacle in Auckland.
Over the past 3 years we have been looking at the changes in the makeup of the community in Otahuhu, and decided it was time to reflect more of the multicultural nature of our changing society.
The binding ethos is one of mission, specifically Gods mission to a lost and dying world.
One only need look at the changing face of Auckland as a whole to see that we are no longer a bicultural society and that New Zealand is becoming more like a mini United Nations with its diverse peoples groups.
We have been blessed by Gods continued goodness over these years to see the start of a Mandarin speaking congregation and the combining of two churches – Otahuhu Baptist and Emmanuel Community Baptist, to form the newly constituted and envisioned church, Otahuhu Community Baptist since May, 2012.
When we look at our own doorstep we see so many people of all ethnic backgrounds and religious persuasions with issues around survival in a new country, inclusion, and support.
Many people in the rapidly changing face of Otahuhu, who need to know their practical as well as the spiritual needs can be met by a loving and compassionate God.
Now that we are constituted as a new church with our roots firmly in the community for so many years we can now say that we are reflective of the community makeup. We reflect the ethnic diversity across all three congregations and are open to seeing what God has planned for expansion into other cultural groups over the coming years.
Our purpose for being is to share the real love of Jesus Christ to a hurting community with both practical and spiritual concern. We are wanting to model what Kingdom lives are in a real way by “Living Community IN Community.”
Many look and marvel at Chinese, Indian and European worshiping, praying and working side by side as one church in Gods service to Otahuhu.
Our request of you, is that you pray for our success in Gods purposes for this wonderful community…that we might see all peoples together under one God, one Spirit and one Lord and savior Jesus Christ. That we might live kingdom lives in a real and transparent way for all to see.
May God richly Bless you and your family as you pray for us, and we hope to see you at one of our services and events.
The Pastoral Team (OCBC)

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