( 2nd February - 4th February 2024 )
What a time of blessing it was for us? From beginning till the end the whole Camp was a big success and a big blessing. Ps. Benny Joshua was our Guest Speaker and he was wonderful in his ministry to the church and to the youth. All were blessed by his ministry. We all had good fun and great food as always. This year it was extra special as we had more numbers registered for the Camp. I have to thank the organisers, the chefs, the cooks, the helpers, the washers, the cleaners, and the other volunteers, who all were assigned a task and each of them did justice to their part. They were the ones who made this Camp a huge success.
We all came home refreshed, blessed and very hopeful for the future of the Church. Looking forward to what else the Lord will be doing as per His Word to the church this year - “My thoughts are not your thoughts and My ways are not your ways”.
Thanks be to God for His loving presence in the Church and His wonderful leading this year.

Ministry to the Youth
Enjoying Great Food.!
Everyone who attended the camp was catered to a good meal. While the focus was the fellowship. it encouraged a love feast with a lot of sharing and caring.

Our wonderful Chef, Ravi Jeyakaran deserves a big hug from all of us for cooking delicious food throughout the camp.
he does come out of his way to do his ministry through a lot of love and care to ensure everyone was having a happy apetite.
The Snacks Team
Steriliser in continous use
An entire team, worked throughout with a roster to ensure hygeine was kept in check.
Children, Men, Women, Young and Old got on the field to relax and play