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Kids Holiday Program 21April 2018

The Kids Holiday Program started with a Promo video that was released a week before the program.

The day arrived.... Mrs. Beulah, who was in charge, sent out a message to the team... Good morning Everyone, today is the day... we've all been waiting, and preparing for .... lets do it together to build His kingdom. 3..2..1.. let's begin...

The Kids holiday program on April 21 Saturday, took off with a great anointing and the Lord's presence filled the church. As the children walked in, our Youth helped to register and give badges with their names written on it. Ice breaker sessions kicked off the program, followed by singing and dancing to songs taught by a team of talented worship singers looking awesome dressed as special characters. Worshipping the Lord with huge smiles and laughter, the program was blessed from the beginning to the end. "Deep deep deep" was the favourite song. The theme, CHARACTER BUILDING was presented by activities, a skit, puppet show, games, etc. "HONESTY" was the main focus. Lunch and break out sessions were organised as well.

At the close, an alter call was given for those who wanted Jesus to help them live an Honest life. It was amazing to see more than 10 children come forward for prayer. Prizes and certificates were distributed at the end of the program. The new comers took gift hampers made by our very own Sunday school children.

The team that took the stage worked very hard. We want to thank each and every one for their dedicated work and support, for the preparations, practise, props, decorations, recordings, costumes and waiting on the Lord week after week for His name to be glorified. Run by Sister Beulah, the team did an astounding job by the grace of God.

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