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Missions of

Otahuhu Community Baptist Church

Pray with us that we would reach more people with the gospel.  

Missions of OCBC


Proverbs 29: 18 – “Where there is no vision, the people perish”


Otahuhu Community Baptist Church has grown because of missions. The church’s emphasis is on missions and supports missionaries and mission organisations all over the world.


The church has chosen several mission workers who work for Tranzsend, an organisation of Baptist Union of New Zealand, and support them on a regular basis. These are the mission workers who work in some of the toughest places of India, Bangladesh, Nepal, etc.


The multi- ethnicity of the church, a church comprising of Indians and Chinese, also spreads the mission support far and wide to India and to China. A lot of Indian missionaries and evangelists are supported for the significant work they do in preaching the gospel and providing food and clothing to the poor and the destitute in India. A couple of churches were built in some of the remote tribal villages of India. The Chinese also make sure that the support goes for a worthy cause.


The missions committee prayerfully chooses and supports the right cause. Many fundraising events are organised throughout the year only to support missions.


Pray with us that we would reach more people with the gospel.  


Our Church has a Missions Committee and the Committee represents members from all three services.

The current members in the Missions Committee and Pastors, prayerfully decide the mission areas the church should support.


Please contact Ps. Das for further details



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